Deathwing Assault
Why Deathwing? If you were to take the time to scroll back through this hobby blog, you will notice that asides from Blood Bowl, my first step into Games Workshop was largely down to the Dark Angels capturing my imagination. When I was a teenager I read a collection of short stories which included Deathwing by Bryan Ansell and William King. Later, I got the original Space Hulk game quickly followed by the Deathwing expansion box, and the box art grabbed me. Space Hulk - Deathwing Inspired by this, I started collecting a Dark Angel army (which I've covered very early on in this blog). Deathwing - From bone-white to Old School white Over time, Games Workshop moved away from the 'white' that was shown on the Deathwing Space Hulk box art, and moved into more of a bone white vibe. They also largely dropped the 'native American' culture influence, and assumed a more monastical influence. They even brought back Lion El'Johnson, the Dark Angels Primarch, which I pa