High Elf Blood Bowl team

High Elf Blood Bowl 3rd edition metal
The mission continues to empty the cupboard of shame and get each team painted up. If I take a different race to each tournament I should eventually tick off the 24/26 races needed for the relevant NAF patch! I'm slowly getting there with 10 races played so far...

After picking up this 3rd edition metal High Elf team in parts from eBay, my first step was to get them prepared and primed...
High Elf Blood Bowl 3rd edition metal
As you can see I got enough linemen to make up an all lineman team! I also have 4 blitzers... for some reason I primed them all... gosh darn it they're not dark elves... silly me! I only needed 2. Ho Hum!
High Elf Blood Bowl 3rd edition metal
Once primed I coated the bases with texture paint... I didn't want to do this later and get it on their boots!
Citadel Paint
These are the main paints I used, along with the usual black, flesh shade and nuln oil etc. Of course I blended them to try and get some good build up of layers, but I wanted a bold colour scheme, so I didn't go gently on the brighter edging.

Anyway, I don't think they turned out too bad... I also followed the NAF basing conventions to help players that haven't seen these old miniatures before.
...Firstly, the catchers;
High Elf Blood Bowl catchers
High Elf Blood Bowl catchers
High Elf Blood Bowl catchers

And the blitzers & thrower;
High Elf Blood Bowl blitzers thrower

And then there were the four different linemen poses;
High Elf Blood Bowl linemen
High Elf Blood Bowl linemen
High Elf Blood Bowl linemen
High Elf Blood Bowl linemen

I'm taking these guys to The Red Trophy II hosted at Tabletop Republic in High Wycombe. I'll do another blog post on the tournament later... where hopefully I'll be using this babe as my turnmarker!
High Elf Blood Bowl cheerleader


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