Dwarf Blood Bowl team - Iron Golems
There were a wealth of single-cast miniatures to paint, and not just players, but backroom staff and stars, as well as a unique Death Roller model - just 24 models!
I started with applying the undercoat and basecoat, and then set about painting the fleshy areas while I considered the team kit colours.
However, it was too daunting for me to paint all 24 models in one go, especially ones with so much rich detail. Instead, I focussed on a test lineman (blocker) to see if I liked the scheme. As you can see, I went with a mainly blue theme, with a light-grey lycra style on the arms, with a white trim;
I particularly loved painting the Troll Slayers, with great muscle definition and plumes of fiery hair. The Slayer on the right is actually a Star Player, but I decided to use him instead of the other ordinary TS that was supplied, as the other one didn't have the crest of hair on top.
I also took some more time on the bases themselves, which I think adds depth to the look of the models.
The team eventually took shape and here are a couple of more photos, one with the Deathroller an one without. I also gave each dwarf a unique colour beard (apart from the Slayers!)...
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