Dwarf Blood Bowl team - Iron Golems

There was a superb looking dwarf team being crowd funded on indiegogo.com, sculpted by the incredibly talented Pedro Ramos, back in October 2015, which I eventually received I think around March 2016.
Iron Golem Dwarf Dice

There were a wealth of single-cast miniatures to paint, and not just players, but backroom staff and stars, as well as a unique Death Roller model - just 24 models!

Iron Golem Dwarf Team & Deathroller

I started with applying the undercoat and basecoat, and then set about painting the fleshy areas while I considered the team kit colours.

Iron Golem Dwarf Team & Deathroller

However, it was too daunting for me to paint all 24 models in one go, especially ones with so much rich detail. Instead, I focussed on a test lineman (blocker) to see if I liked the scheme. As you can see, I went with a mainly blue theme, with a light-grey lycra style on the arms, with a white trim;

Iron Golem Dwarf
In fact, the white trim was a new challenge for me... trying to tone down the bright white by repainting with a very light grey and then highlighted in white which seemed to do the trick.

I particularly loved painting the Troll Slayers, with great muscle definition and plumes of fiery hair. The Slayer on the right is actually a Star Player, but I decided to use him instead of the other ordinary TS that was supplied, as the other one didn't have the crest of hair on top.

Iron Golem Troll Slayers

I also took some more time on the bases themselves, which I think adds depth to the look of the models.

Iron Golem Troll Slayers

Note: From this point on, you may notice a bit of an improvement in photographic quality as I bought and used a light-box, but still using an iPhone 6S camera.

The runners were also cool models, especially the left one. I tidied up a little more later, taking a little more care to highlight the shoulder-barrel wood to give it more richness.
Iron Golem Dwarf Runners

The team eventually took shape and here are a couple of more photos, one with the Deathroller an one without. I also gave each dwarf a unique colour beard (apart from the Slayers!)... 

Dwarf Blood Bowl team Iron Golems
...and painted up a bomber star player just to give me flexibility in team selection. The Blitzers also, you may have noticed, are mainly all white with blue trim.

Dwarf Blood Bowl team Iron Golems
The first outing of these "Bearded Bullies" was at Boudica Bowl 5 where we came second overall.
I will also be taking them to the NAF Championships in Nottingham and 2017's Cakebowl in Swindon.


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